The documentary archive of the Chamber of Deputies

The historical and cultural value of the Chamber of Deputies is preserved in the documents, information and bibliographic material that is kept in the legislative precinct. Learn more about these sites.
The Chamber of Deputies has a collection specialized in parliamentary matters, and in the online catalog you can find the publications that make up the library collections.
Talking about the archives is talking about history, they are the testimony, evidence and record of the daily events of an institution.The historical archive is the heritage that reflects and safeguards the documentary memory, a direct source of legitimacy and identity to know and disseminate the past.

The Historical Archive of the Chamber of Deputies, located on the basement of building D, has an approximate of 1,436 linear meters of files, among the collections are:
  • The "Old Book Collection", which consists of 75 copies from 1821 to 1920, in which Book I, contains the Act of Independence.
  • The collection of credentials of the Deputies, which starts from the XXVI to the LXIV Legislature.
The needs for better preservation and dissemination conditions led to the implementation of the Project to relocate the Historical Archive in the Old Guard of San Lázaro. This historical place has marked the Mexico City limit and connections with towns located to the east since pre-hispanic times, serving later in the seventeenth century it as the gateway to Mexico City.

The project not only allowed the custody of the parliamentary memory of our country but would also give a new life’s purpose to one of the oldest and most emblematic buildings in Mexico City.

To consider a document with the historical character, not only responds to a criterion of time, but it must also pass a documentary evaluation and conservation periods in processing and conservation archive, before it is transferred to the Historical Archive and becomes part of the national cultural heritage

Documentos relevantes que integran el acervo histórico:

Carátula de Decretos de la Soberana Junta Provisional Gubernativa.

Carátula del Libro I de Actas Históricas que contiene los Decretos de la Soberana Junta Provisional Gubernativa.

Credencial de Vicente Lombardo Toledano

Vicente Lombardo Toledano nació en 1894, fue un filósofo de tendencia marxista, autor de obras como Teoría y Práctica del Movimiento Sindical Mexicano y Secretario General de la Confederación de Trabajadores Mexicanos (CTM) de 1936 a 1941.

En 1940 funda el Partido Popular que a partir de 1960 se llamaría Partido Popular Socialista, fue candidato presidencial por dicho partido en 1952 y diputado de la XLVI Legislatura. Falleció en el año de 1968.

1º de septiembre XXVIII Legislatura

Contiene el informe rendido el 1° de septiembre en la apertura de la XXVIII Legislatura por el presidente Venustiano Carranza a la H. Cámara de Diputados.

21 de diciembre de 1823

Oaxaca y Puebla son elegidos como estados de la federación.

10 de octubre de 1824

Guadalupe Victoria y Nicolás Bravo son elegidos presidente y vicepresidente de México respectivamente, son las primeras personas en ocupar dichos puestos de elección popular.

18 de noviembre de 1824

La Ciudad de México es elegida sede de los supremos poderes.

1º de enero 1866

Diario del Imperio de 1° de enero de 1866, contiene en su portada el escudo del Segundo Imperio Mexicano, el sumario y la sección denominada Parte Oficial.

13 de septiembre de 1873

Se decreta la separación del Estado y la Iglesia.

8 de diciembre de 1962

Contiene la iniciativa hecha por la diputada federal María López Díaz para que se emitan unas estampillas con motivo del 150 aniversario del Congreso de Anáhuac.
The General Library of the H. Congress of the Union was born from an initiative presented before the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies on August 24, 1935, with the aim that its services were also for the benefit of society.

On November 12 of the same year, the proposal was expanded by Deputies Luis Mora Tovar, Demetrio Bolaños Espinosa and Carlos A. Calderón, who presented the initiative to install and reorganize the Public Library of the H. Congress of the Union, merging the collections of the Library of the Chamber of Deputies, the Chamber of Senators and the Treasury Accounting Office.

Another of the key aspects of the initiative, was contemplating the enrichment of its bibliographic collection through donations and documentary exchange with legislative chambers of other countries, scientific institutions and international organizations.

As of that year, the Library of Congress of the Union was established in the former temple of Santa Clara, located on the streets of Tacuba and Bolívar, in the Mexico City Historical Downtown (Zocalo), however by January 7, 1936, this property was then transferred to the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, and so the repairing and adaptation work began. 

The Library of the H. Congress of the Union was inaugurated on September 4, 1936 by Gonzalo Vázquez Vela, Secretary of Education, on behalf of the President of the Republic, General Lázaro Cárdenas. Since then, the library has been open public, and is located on Tacuba Street 29, in the Mexico City Historical Downtown (Zocalo)
The opening hours are from Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Its bibliographic collection consists of around 142,300 volumes from all areas of knowledge, while its hemerographic collection is made up of 5,000 scientific papers, technical and dissemination publications and newspapers of national circulation.

Upon entering, you will find the catalog of its bibliographic collection and the service module for users to search and consult materials, next to it, is the reading which can host approximately 80 people, and placed in the back, is the journalistic publications area.

Various pictorial, sculptural and performance exhibitions have been held in the reading room corridor, as part of the cultural activities that take place on the compound; as well as theatrical performances, dramatized readings, book presentations and concerts.These activities, carried out within the framework of the San Lázaro Cultural Space, have had an important effervescence and diffusion in this Legislature, and in the last six years there have been 128 open events the general public, which have had an attendance of around 6,000 people.

The General Library, as a public library, has provided its services annually to more than 10,000 people of all ages, academic levels and social strata.
360 ° Virtual Tour of the
Legislative and General
Libraries of the Chamber
of Deputies.

See in the Channel of the Chamber of Deputies →
The Legislative Library of the Chamber of Deputies is located on 2ND floor, Building C of the Legislative Palace of San Lázaro (Av. Congreso de la Unión No. 66, Col. El Parque). Their service hours are Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The library was inaugurated in June 1994, in the area where the deputies general dining room was located, and it was formed by linking the Great Commission Library with other materials to serve legislators in their workplace.

The Legislative Library has a bibliographic collection of approximately 128,250 volumes, of which 40,000 belong to the Honorable Chamber of Deputies (HCD) collection, that includes the bibliographic material edited by the editorial board, study centers, commissions, committees and parliamentary groups. By nature, this collection constitutes the documentary memory of the Chamber of Deputies, in addition to having stenographic versions of some transcendental congresses within the Legislative Palace, whether from commissions or friendship groups.

In addition to the general collection (mostly made up of materials on legislative, legal and social science-related topics), the Legislative Library contains the reference, OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) and audiovisual collections, it has a hemerographic collection made up of approximately 60,000 fascicles, including publications from the Chronicle of the Debates, the Parliamentary Gazette and the Official Journal, as well as the newspapers with the greatest circulation.
The collections, both of this library and the General Library, are made up and nurtured by materials received through the Legal Deposit, established in the Decree that provides for the obligation of publishers and producers of bibliographic and documentary materials, to deliver copies of his works to the National Library and the Library of the H. Congress of the Union (1991).

The Legislative Library provides orientation and research services in person, and remotely, by checking the online catalog (OPAC), by consulting the materials and digital resources. These are offered both to internal users (deputies, advisers, researchers and administrative staff of the Chamber of Deputies) as well as to external users (researchers from other institutions, students, thesis students and the general public). Additionally, the services of home loan and interlibrary loan of materials are offered to internal users.
Electronic catalog Bibliographic news